
Florida Injury Lawyer Blawg


Make the right call on texting and driving

TEXTING AND DRIVING Make the right call on texting and driving By Ira H. Leesfield After years of false stops and starts, a bill to curb texting while driving is finally building momentum in the Florida House. The current bill would impose a $30 fine for anyone texting while driving,…


Jack3d at center of lawsuit filed by family for son’s wrongful death

Last year, we reported on the military investigation into the death of two soldiers during on-base exercises and the link with the two men’s ingestion and consumption of a dietary supplement called ‘Jack3d’ (pronounced Jacked) This week, the parents of 22-year-old Michael Sparling, who died on the morning of June…


Carbon Monoxide Poisoning kills elderly woman in Miami

After being alerted by the landlord that something was wrong, Paulette Campbell arrived at the apartment of her grandparents, Wylene and Bobby Floyd of Miami Gardens. Upon entering their home, she discovered the body of her grandparents. Wylene had already succumbed to carbon monoxide poisoning. Her grandfather Bobby was still…


Fatal Plane Crash in Florida linked to engine and oil pressure problems

On January 4, 2013, a small airplane carrying three passengers crashed into a Florida home approximately located one mile south of the Flagler County Airport. Investigators and Officials from the National Transportation Safety Board were on scene on the day of the crash. While findings have not been made public…


Small plane carrying three passengers crashes into Florida home

Today, a small aircraft plunged into a home on Florida’s northeast coast. Deputies who immediately responded to the accident said the three people who were inside the house at the time were able to escape the flames relatively unharmed. At this time, three of the five occupants of the small…


Multiple fatalities in bus accident in Miami

A normal traveling day at Miami International Airport turned into a surreal and deadly scene when an 11-foot-bus crashed into an 8-foot 6-inches overpass. The bus crash killed two of the passengers while several others were taken to Jackson Memorial’s Ryder Trauma Center and remain in critical condition. The bus…


Construction Site Accident in Doral: Collapse of Parking Garage Results in 2 Fatalities

At around noon on Wednesday October 10, 2012, a large portion of a five-story building collapsed without warning, killing 2 construction workers, injuring several others, and another man is still missing at this hour. The cause of this tragic incident is not yet known, but the police, construction investigators, and…


Masseur at Fontainebleau Hotel arrested for sexually assaulting guest

Francisco Araica, 26, was arrested this week for sexually assaulting a guest at the Fontainebleau Hotel where Araica works as a masseur. Last Sunday, a female guest, who was a habitual visitor of the Lapis Spa at the hotel was sexually assaulted during a massage. The victim told police that…


Driving and Texting finally recognized as Reckless and Offensive by Florida Court

Texting and driving has been and continues to be one of the leading causes of fatal car accidents in the State of Florida. Easily explaining the reasons for the situation is the ever standstill of the Florida legislator on this issue. For several years Ira Leesfield and the personal injury…

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