Hotel, travel and tourism injuries rapidly increase with inadequate security and safety neglect on premises. Once again, Airbnb has been sued by a guest claiming another host at the property assaulted her. Of course, Airbnb and Vrbo do not do a background check which would have prevented this alleged sexual…
Florida Injury Lawyer Blawg
Ira Leesfield Reappointed to Serve on the Federal Judicial Nominating Committee for Florida
Ira Leesfield, founder and managing partner of Leesfield & Partners, was recently reappointed by Florida Senators Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio to serve on the Federal Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC) representing the Southern District Conference for the duration of the 115thCongressional term. The JNC performs a critical public service in…
Boat Tour Safety Regulations in Focus following latest Airboat Tragedy
Boating season is upon us, kicked off during Memorial Day weekend only days away. During the last weekend of Spring, South Florida will once again become the boating capital of the world for many weeks to come, and each year around this time Ira H. Leesfield, renews its boating safety…
92% of drivers use their phone means 100% of the public is at risk
A new study revealed that 92% of motorists use their phone while operating their vehicle. That reality must sink in. Whether you are in traffic, stopped at a red light, making 60mph on the highway, a pedestrian walking across an intersection, a bicyclist on a Sunday morning run, or in…
Cases from other places and from our good friends here in Florida
Steady growth and continued client satisfaction marks the 40th anniversary of Leesfield & Partners, as our statewide practice expands. This year, trial lawyers Mason Kerns and Adam T. Rose joined the Leesfield & Partners team. The firm continues to serve the State of Florida as our offices from Key West…
Sewn Up With Surgical Tools Inside Your Body? Don’t Take It Lying Down
With the prices you pay at the hospital, you shouldn’t have to worry about asinine medical errors. Yet they abound. As quality medicine standard-bearer Johns Hopkins recently reported, medical errors are now the THIRD leading cause of death in the United States. The Johns Hopkins study was a follow-up to…
Tort Reform: Fueled by Disinformation and Hypocrisy
People who want to take your rights away depend primarily this supposition: America is full of useful idiots. Exacerbating this problem is TV news, which is exactly as informative as a cartoon strip. Speaking of cartoon strips: Newspapers, the last bastion of actual journalism, continue to die. If not resuscitated…
Spoliation of Evidence – Sanctions and Remedies for Destruction of Crucial Evidence in Florida
In many of our personal injury and wrongful death cases, physical evidence is lost or destroyed long before we are retained by our clients. After an incident, our clients are typically preoccupied by their injuries and medical treatment while defendants often dispose of the “smoking gun.” This improper destruction of…
Are Visa and MasterCard Illegally Fixing ATM Fees?
The Supreme Court of the United States will answer this question in its upcoming term. ATM fees are as ubiquitous as the machines themselves. Unless you go to your own bank, you’re going to pay a fee. The fees vary by location. At an ATM in a convenience store that…
Florida’s Jet Ski Safety Statutes – Great for Public Safety / Great for Litigants
The vast majority of recreational and tourist activities enjoyed in Florida are not regulated by the Florida legislature. Most tour operators have complete freedom to operate their business virtually any way they see fit. This usually results in a culture of maximizing profit to the detriment of customer safety. Warning,…